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Team Reinvented Gaming (RVTG) is bridging the gap between amateur Esports and the rest of the professional Esports industry.  We are creating a pipeline for anyone to accomplish their goal of being a professional Esports Athlete - whether you are a graduating High School student or a person chasing their lifelong dream. Team Reinvented Gaming is developing the connections and resources to:


  1. RECRUIT aspiring Esports Athletes to semi-professional Esports Teams and/or Colleges.

  2. Help players MANAGE their own career under guided expertise by connecting them with a trusted Esports agent, scout, and/or coach.

  3. Provide players an opportunity to COMPETE in an exclusive Esports Tournament where they showcase their skills and are eligible to be drafted to a Professional Esports Organization.


If a player decides competing isn't for them anymore or if you never wanted to be a player in the first place - do not worry. Team Reinvented Gaming is always invested in providing more coaches, agents, scouts, journalists, future CEO's, etc; to the Esports Industry. Click the RECRUIT, MANAGE, or COMPETE buttons down below to get started on your Esports career.

"Coming Soon"

"Coming Soon"

"Coming Soon"

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